10 de fevereiro de 2025
Lucia Sweet

E segue o Trump…

Foto: O Globo

Depois que o STF soltou um assassino, mandou indenizar criminosos (enquanto ignora a família de quem morre assassinado por esses mesmos criminosos, ou nas filas do SUS, ou no chão dos hospitais, ou ignora a falta de escolas e creches), blinda José Sarney et caterva, fiquei bastante desanimada.
E entre o carnaval e o Trump, achei mais interessante ler um tweet do Trump hoje. Trump reclamou da mídia ignorar que em seu primeiro mês de governo ele diminuiu a dívida americana (National Debt) em 12 bilhões de dólares, enquanto o Obama, em seu primeiro mês de governo, aumentou a dívida americana em 200 bilhões de dólares.
Além desses 12 bilhões, a dívida, desde que o Trump tomou posse, já caiu mais 22 bilhões de dólares. E não é verdade que o Trump baniu a mídia mainstream. Fake news. Leia mais, por favor, abaixo, sobre o que é um “pool event”, um evento limitado a um grupo de 13 repórteres ( a opinião é livre, mas os fatos são sagrados).
Mas a mídia progressista ataca o Trump e, aqui no Brasil, o Dória. Quem me dera que o prefeito do Rio fosse o Dória.
… Those claiming they were barred included The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, CNN and Politico. Fox News, which was not kept from covering the event, nonetheless joined a complaint by the chair of the five-network television pool. … the White House denied it went out of its way to bar specific outlets. A spokeswoman said the event was a “pool” event, which by definition is limited.
“We invited the pool so everyone was represented,” White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said. “We decided to add a couple of additional people beyond the pool. Nothing more than that.”
Friday’s briefing was indeed initially deemed a pool event. A press pool is a 13-member group that includes reporters who represent the five major networks, print organizations and the wire services. The pool’s duty is to attend the event and then distribute the information to other media outlets.
Tweet do Trump: “The media has not reported that the National Debt in my first month went down by $12 billion vs a $200 billion increase in Obama first mo.,” Trump posted on Twitter Feb. 25, 2017.
The tweet mirrors an article posted on the Gateway Pundit website a few days earlier. It was repeated by conservative pundit Herman Cain on Fox News shortly before Trump’s tweet.
“On January 20th, the day of the Trump Inauguration, the US Debt stood at $19,947 billion,” the Gateway Pundit website reads. “On February 21st, a month later, the US Debt load stood at $19,935 billion. Trump cut the US Debt burden by $12 billion and 0.1% in his first month in office!”
The numbers check out. And in fact, the total public debt has dropped another $22 billion since the Gateway Pundit article published, according to data from the U.S. Department of Treasury.

Lucia Sweet

Jornalista, fotógrafa e tradutora.

Jornalista, fotógrafa e tradutora.

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